NokiX script for deleting PPM languages

Free FLASH space by deleting unnecessary languages

There is very little free FLASH space on some DCT-3 phones, e.g. on Nokia 6110 (NSE-3). To be able include more new applications and patches in your phone, you need to remove some built-in features. One easy way is removing the unnecessary languages from the PPM language pack. Language-dependent TEXT, AORD, and LDB chunks take several hundred kilobytes of flash space, so the amount of freed space may be significant.

To use "delete_ppm_languages.nrx", include it anywhere in your NokiX project and specify the languages to preserve as script arguments. The languages are specified using their four-letter PPM codes (e.g. ENGL, GERM, FINN). (To see a list of languages in your flash file and their codes, run the script in NokiX dumper mode.)

Example: To keep English and Finnish in your phone but delete all other languages, specify parameters "ENGL FINN" (see picture).

Download Delete PPM Languages 1.01
Developed for NokiX Scripts 27.12.2005.
CAUTION: Trying to modify the built-in firmware of a mobile phone may make it practically unrepairable. This applies especially to phones that does not have a separate EEPROM chip for settings and calibrations (e.g. most Nokia 3xxx phones). Before trying to update the flash memory, you need to understand the functions of your flashing program and the whole flashing process, including any checksum updates required. NuukiaWorld does not give any support in flashing-related questions.

23.3.2006 -
No email support or answers to technical questions.

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